Thursday, July 12, 2012

Little Munchkin's Growing...See!

Oh Don't worry it's just another post about being pregnant{hopefully the last} if your sick of them head out, if not carry on!

So I wasn't very consistent with the weeks in between each picture, but this is what I got! You get the point...I used to be hardly pregnant and now I'm ready to POP! Now hopefully I'll have a baby to show for it this week and not another picture of myself.

My closest comparison picture from Baby #1(Preston) and Baby #2(__insert name here___)haha!
I seem to be growing the same for the most part, maybe a little bigger this time around. 

*  *  *  *  *

I'm most anxious to see the hair on this little guy. I had some hard core heartburn with Preston and well..lets just say it was well worth it, that boy has a nice juicy, sweet, thick head of hair!! 
I've had a couple of days of heart burn this go around, but NOTHING compared to last time... so my guess is not so much hair, but I hope I stand corrected.

Can't wait to meet you little man...hopefully in the next few days!

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