Sunday, June 3, 2012

Uncomfortable Yet...?

Well I'm finally hitting the uncomfortable stage...where I'm pretty much uncomfortable anyway I sit of stand or lay. I don't really remember feeling so big and uncomfortable with Preston(although I'm sure I was). But lately I have just been feeling in the world can I get any bigger?

I have this extremely painful...(pain)haha on the right side of my ribs. When I move a certain direction, or hit it just right, this pain zaps's kind of feels like somethings pinching a nerve maybe and I all the sudden I'm zapped with this awful pain that feels like it paralyzes me for a few seconds. When I mentioned the pain by my ribs to the Doctor, he was just like..oh yeah that's nothing just you muscles stretching, which may be true, but I seriously will not believe that my muscle stretching can KILL so bad and for so long...I mean how much can one muscle stretch? So I just live with it, and hope it will go away after our sweet little babe is born. 

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