Friday, June 15, 2012

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks tomorrow
Total weight gain: 30LB"ish" I'm at 151LB
Maternity clothes? A couple of things, but I manly just sport my sweet yoga/dance pants!(Best investment ever) (p.s. they have an orange waist band...that is not my stomach showing in the picture.)
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: My hips/legs, my ribs, and my hands hurt when I sleep, WOW I'm a wimp. haha Found out I have Carpal Tunnel, my hands go numb ALL the time and they ache all the time too, especially when I sleep (Here's to hoping that goes away when the baby is born).
Best moment this week: Getting the started on the crib excited to get it finished!
Have you told family and friends: All the important people know.
Miss Anything? Laying on my back!!
Food cravings: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Haha...Yes
Movement: Lots
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: A couple little contractions going on here and there I think...good sign right?
Belly Button in or out? As out as it possibly can be :(
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Father's Day Weekend in Council Bluffs with some family!

P.S. Still no luck with names, we better get thinking hard, only a few more weeks to decide.

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