Sunday, July 22, 2012

8 Days Old, And Still Loving Him!

Our sweet little Wesley is one week old, and he seriously just keeps getting cuter and cuter! We LOVE him to pieces and can't imagine our little family without him. It really is incredible how fast you fall in love with sweet little babies!

He is an angel baby. We thought we had it good with Preston, but man...Wes is so good. Last night he woke up at 4:45 to eat and then slept until 8:45, then back to sleep of course! Hopefully he keeps it up forever.
And those sweet little grins just melt your heart, and make me think of what a little miracle he is!

 Preston is adjusting pretty well. I think it's a little hard for him to see me hold Wes and then when he asks me to hold him i have to say no(I'm not supposed the lift more than 10lb for 6weeks). But he's getting used to it, and is a very loving big.
We have been so lucky to have Skyler home on his break, for Preston's sake(& my own) I wouldn't have wanted to do this while he was in school.

Preston always asks if he can hold "Baby Wes" on his knees, so he sits on the floor with Wes in his lap and talks to him and rubs his head, it's pretty cute!

My mom has also been a lifesaver! Watching Preston, feeding us, stocking the freezer with meals, taking care of Wes at night, and just plain fun to have around. She flew home yesterday and we are seriously going to miss her tons! Can't wait for her to come back with the family in a few weeks for Wesley's baby blessing.
We are loving life right now and are so blessed to have such sweet little boys! 

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