Saturday, July 21, 2012

A {Tiny} Wesly Update

AHHH, isn't he just precious?
I'm still totally in the "you're the most perfect, precious tiny baby ever and I can't stand to put you down" stage. I love that I can just sit and hold him forever, and feel absolutely content with doing nothing but that.
I'm slowly but surly recovering...I think that I'm feeling great and then I actually do something and realize how great I'm not feeling!haha I've been out of the house once since we have been home, and by the time I got home I felt like I ran a marathon...exhausted. So until I get some of my energy back I just keep sitting and holding and staring at my sweet little Wes.

 Preston loves to inform everyone that sees the baby that his name is WES. He sure does loves his little brother!

 I still haven't figured out how to fix Wesley's hair. Curly when it's wet and frizzy if you let it try with the curls. When he wakes up he has sweet bed head(see above)...but no matter what hairdo he is sporting we always love it!

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