Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wesley Shoot {2 1/2 Weeks}

Let me just mention how awesome this little guy is. Last night I fed Wes at 10:30pm and then he didn't wake up until 4:30am to hello 6 hour break, I LOVE YOU, and then he slept till 7:30 woohoo!!

Can you believe how big he already looks...not so newborn anymore :( He's growing way to fast and we just keep getting more and more in love with him!
 (Skyler took the one's of me, nice job huh?...I was very impressed!)
 Oh this sweet little boy has stolen my many times can you have your heart stolen? Cause I'm pretty sure mine belongs to 3 boys now!

I didn't actually think I would get any good one's so I just threw up my backdrop without ironing it...oops (so ignore that). 

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