Monday, July 30, 2012

The Wes Match Up

We have been trying to decide who Wes looks like. Some people have said he looks like Preston (which he maybe/kind of does) but it's hard for me to see. So I pulled out some pictures so I could compare side by side. And yes, there for sure is some resemblance here...I just don't see tons.

Wes                                                                          Preston

While my Mom was here she mentioned a few times that she thought Wes looked like me as a baby, so I had to pull out one of those pictures too. And I can definitely say sweet little Wes got his mommies chubby{hanging}checks (kind of adorable right?...just not when you grow up!haha) 
Wes                                              Brooke {Mom}

So I came to the conclusion that I see more of a resemblance in my baby picture than I do in Preston's baby picture, but maybe that's just me(and probably mostly in the checks...and eyes).
So...what do you think?
Brooke{Mom}                                                     Wes

* OR *



But in the end I say Wes just looks like WES, and we love him that perfect!

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