Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wesley's Birth Story

To start off, my official due date was Saturday July 14th. Only about 5% of babies are actually born on their due date, so we weren't really expecting anything to happen on the 14th, well...our baby decided to stick right with the schedule! My parents came into town Tuesday night, we hung out for a couple days hoping that the baby would come everyday...but we just kept waiting. My Dad had to go home Saturday the 14th, so I just kept praying that our little guy would make an appearance before he left. Well...I woke up Saturday morning, (7:45) as my Dad was brushing his teeth and I was eating a bowl of cereal...MY WATER BROKE, seriously 10 min before my Dad would head out the door. Perfect timing little man, cause we got Grandpa to stay one last day.
So my Mom and I headed out for a walk, hoping to get things progressing faster so I wouldn't sit around in the hopsital all day.

Skyler and I left home and got to the hospital around 9:30am(Skyler said I should have gone sooner, but I was stubborn...I should have listened to him). They sent us into a room to wait around while they did some tests to make sure my water really broke...(Hello, I'm pretty sure there is no other explanation for the big ol' SPLASH of water and contractions but who knows, right?haha) So we waited and waited and contractions just kept getting harder and harder.

(Squeezed out a smile somehow) At this point we had been waiting around over an hour and I couldn't get an epidural until they really made sure my water broke. When they finally decided that indeed my water really did break, then they had to get a full bag of fluid in I waited some more. Well while all this waiting is going on 2 different doctors came in and did an ultrasound trying to see the position of the baby. The two still aren't sure on the position so they go to get my Dr., Dr. Hunter, which meant more waiting. Well Dr. Hunter came in, did an ultrasound, and discovered that our stubborn little boy was trying to come out "face first" instead of the top of his head, which meant his head was being cranked back in the wrong direction, which kind of explains the fact that my contractions were getting pretty darn painful and I was only at a 4-5.(I know, that sounds wimpy, but they killed). Dr. Hunter explained that delivering a baby like this is usually pretty rough and because I had a c-section with Preston it would be a little scary to try VBAC so...the Doc broke the news that I would no longer be trying for a VBAC, I was heading to the O.R. for another c-section. Which at this point I was totally fine with, I just wanted our little guy to be here.

So here's a little explanations of the fetal position that they explained to me, somehow I always go against the norm... not cool.
Cephalic presentation is considered normal and occurs in about 97% of deliveries. (hello 3%, why do I fall under your category) There are different types of cephalic presentation. Rarely, the fetus' head is extended back, and the chin, face, or forehead will present first depending on the degree of extension. This is a more difficult delivery, because this is not the smallest part of the fetus' head. It may result in a need for cesarean delivery....Yep, it sure did. Apparently I'm only supposed to have babies via C-Section, lucky me.
 I was wheeled into the O.R. around 12:00pm, where I "finally" got my spinal block and some much needed relief. They get me all strapped down on the table, hang the sheet up at my neck and got down to business. A couple minutes later I hear our sweet little baby cry!

12:21pm and we had ourselves our sweet little babe. After a few minutes Skyler came by my side with our new little man, I didn't get that great of a look because I was strapped down but as soon as I saw him he melted my heart! Skyler took off with our little guy and I laid around for another hour talking to the anesthetist while I get stitched up. Seemed like forever before I was in the recovery room and able to hold our little guy for the first time. 
This was the first grandkid out of 6 that my Dad was able to be there to see as a newborn, we were so happy our little guy decided to come "right" before grandpa had to leave. 

Sunday July 15th rolled around and we finally decided that our sweet little babe needed a name. Wesley Glen Romriell, Glen being Skyler's grandfathers name and Skyler and his fathers middle name.

Skyler has been incredibly helpful since I have a fairly hard time getting around and moving, and Wes is lucky to get lots of snuggles from Dad. I have to confess...I still haven't changed a diaper after 3days, that's one good daddy.
Here is proof that you don't have to suffer through heartburn to get a baby with a FULL head of hair, so adorable!

My mom has been a life saver! Since I have to be in the hospital for 4days, she has been home with Preston entertaining him and holding down the fort. So thankful she has been around and I can't wait to get home so Grandma can get some well deserved snuggle time with Wes.

We also got a little surprise on Sunday, Skyler's parents drove here to meet Wes for a few hours. We are lucky that they live close enough that they could meet their new little grandson only 1 day old!

Preston had a little cold so he had to wear a mask the first time he came in the only stayed on for a good 30sec, then we made him leave.
And the most anticipated introduction.... Preston loves Wes. He ran in the room and said mommies baby, baby Wes! He kept patting him and saying ahh baby Wes! So we'll see how he is tomorrow when we actually get to bring Wes home for good.

We love our sweet little Wesley and are SO extremely blessed to have such a happy healthy baby in our family. We can't wait to spend lots more time with him, enjoying his sweet little spirit in our home.

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