Tuesday, July 17, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

Because I had a c-section I had to spend 3 nights in the hospital, so after 4 days in the hospital we were all very ready to go home. And Preston was very ready to have his family back too. We had a wonderful stay in the hospital while it lasted...and it is kind of nice to have so much peace and quiet and time to rest, but we are all VERY happy to be home. 

(I know you LOVE my sweet socks...especially with my flip flops! Don't worry...I have to wear them for a while, I wouldn't normally be cool enough to sport the ted socks!haha)

Preston wanted me to carry him...which isn't happening for a while, so he got to ride in my sweet wheel chair with me. Preston keeps asking me to hold him and we have to keep reminding him that Mommy is "hurt", I don't think he believed me till I showed him my incision...then he said "oh, mommy hurt". 

Today Preston kept saying to me, " Ready mommy?" I'm said ready for what? As he runs out of the bathroom with the medicine syringe he says "ready mommy"? Gunna fix your hurt! Then he proceeds to try to place the syringe near my stomach. haha such a sweet boy!

 Wes gets lots of cuddle time now that he is home with Grandma!

 We gave Wes his first bath today, and he LOVED it. He just layed in the water and lounged like it was his little hot tub!

 Grandma gives the best baby baths, and can't you just tell how happy she is to be a Grandma...she's the best!

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