Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wesley {1 Month}

Our sweet little Wes is 1 month old, can you believe it has already been a month...time is flying by. 

  • Preston still can't keep away from Wes
  • Wes is chunkin up very nicely already
  • Still sleeps lots, but is awake more each day
  • Usually sleeps from 10:30pm-3:30/4:30am, than wakes again around 6:30/7:00am.
  • Still small enough to bath in the sink & loves it!
  • He likes to be swaddled. He only likes his arms swaddled by his side at night...not during the day. 

 This is the picture we used for his announcement, so I figured we would keep up the chalkboard picture each month.

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