Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wesley's Blessing Day

On Sunday August 5, we blessed Wes in Council Bluffs(where Skyler's parent live) It was a shorter drive for my parents and sister, so we figured we would meet there and do it.
My parents, Ryan & Tayler, and Britt and her family all came into town Friday night. We stayed with them at a hotel to take advantage of every minute we could get with them.

Sunday morning grandma does what she loves best, gave Wes his bath and got him all ready for his special day. We were very protective of his little tux, we made sure his pants and top didn't go on until it had to...and right before we put it on he leaked through his clothes(good timing). 
Preston on the left - Wes on the right (for the most part the tux's are the same, just a little different to give them each there own look)
When I was in high school my mom helped my sister and me make little tux's for our boys that we would have some day and...we both had boys first(imagine that). Well the week before Wes's blessing I decided that I wanted Wes to have his own tux so each boy could keep theirs to pass down. I knew I wouldn't be able to get one done, so my incredibly sweet mother said she would make one for Wes, so she whipped one up the next day(now my mom designed the pattern herself and has made one for all of my brothers so, needless to say the tux turned out AWESOME, doesn't even compare to the one I made Preston(haha). Wes looked adorable! 
My favorite part are the tails, there's something about a mini tux that is adorable...and very classy!

Our first family of four picture, and I love that I am totally outnumbered by my sweet boys! 

It was such a special day for our sweet little Wes, and we were so happy that we were able to spend it with lots of our family. 

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