Sunday, October 21, 2012

Wesley {3Months}

Our sweet little Wesley is 3months old today.
He just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter. He always has adorable little smiles to give now, and it's just about the cutest thing ever.
Wes sleeps like a champ still and as you can tell in his pictures, eats like a champ too. He is getting to be a big boy...he must take after his mother. I was a fairly LARGE baby.
He is starting to notice Preston a lot more, and I think he likes what he sees.

He is totally chill {most of the time}. Like a few days ago when we looked over at him and he was just chillin' away halfway out of his swing like nothing was wrong. Every now and again he lets out a cry, but probably just so he doesn't get forgotten. And when he does cry, Preston runs to me and says, "SWEETHEART...oh on, SWEETHEART IS CRYING, Let's go help sweetheart fast!" 

He reminds me of a little surfer with his wave he has going on with his hair half the time. Surfer boys are cute, right?

I know I say this every time I write about Wes, but...WE LOVE THIS BOY TO PIECES. He is such a little sweet heart.


Scrub A Dub Dub, Our Wesley's officially in the tub.

Wes had his first ever bath in the bath tub last week.
I must say, I was a little sad. I {LOVE} bathing babies in the sink, something about their tiny little bodies so relaxed in a "miniature tub" that is just too adorable.
And they still seem newborn when they fit in the sink...but as soon as you put them in the tub there all grown up.

 Seriously, I put this off as long as I could. Every time I would bath him in the sink I would practically wash the floor at the same time.
Wes would kick his little feet and water would gush all over the floor.
And we are happy to report, he thoroughly enjoyed it.
Always happy to take a bath!

And two days later we decided to have a "brothers" bath.
Preston kept saying,
"Wes, this is so much fun."
...So sweet!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Laughing Wesley

Last night Preston was running around like normal, but this time Wesley was watching. We're not really sure he was laughing at Preston or just laughing at Skyler when he would yell STOP, but whatever it was he thought it was funny. I have never seen a 3month old laugh this hard, just about the most adorable thing I have ever seen.

So here if is, Wesley's first time laughing...
3months & 3days old!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Wesley {2 Months}

Wes is 2months old today! We have loved every second of him the last two months. It's still crazy to me how fast they grow and change in a matter of weeks. Today we headed out for his 2month check up...

He's a Whopping 13LB  - 90%
and 24 1/4"  - 90%
with a 15" head  - 30%...haha
(Funny because Preston's head was always in the 90%)

Still a good eater and a great sleeper(9:30pm-4:00am-8:00am)! We see lots more smiles and enjoy his sweet little coo's more and more. He is the most content little guy ever, pretty much the only time he cries is when he wants to be asleep and isn't....and when that happens he wants us to lay him in his cradle and leave him alone, there he enjoys his peace and quiet and falls asleep on his own. What a CHAMP we have!

 Here is our sweet little guy just chillin', awaiting the dreaded shots...poor thing doesn't know what's in store for him. 3shots and the saddest little scream you have ever heard(I always hate these appointments, and wish I could accidently skip them). The next couple of hours were sad, every time Wes would move his legs he would let out another scream for a while...

So we just hung out lounging for a bit and tried not to move.

Friday, September 7, 2012

We Love To See {Him} Smile

This week was a very good week, why you might ask? Well because our little Wesley started giving smiles when you talk to him! Nothing is sweeter than this little guys grins right after you tell him how precious he is! I love it...makes me want to sit and talk to him all day!

And a random picture just because I think Wes has big beautiful eyes!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wesley {1 Month}

Our sweet little Wes is 1 month old, can you believe it has already been a month...time is flying by. 

  • Preston still can't keep away from Wes
  • Wes is chunkin up very nicely already
  • Still sleeps lots, but is awake more each day
  • Usually sleeps from 10:30pm-3:30/4:30am, than wakes again around 6:30/7:00am.
  • Still small enough to bath in the sink & loves it!
  • He likes to be swaddled. He only likes his arms swaddled by his side at night...not during the day. 

 This is the picture we used for his announcement, so I figured we would keep up the chalkboard picture each month.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wesley's Blessing Day

On Sunday August 5, we blessed Wes in Council Bluffs(where Skyler's parent live) It was a shorter drive for my parents and sister, so we figured we would meet there and do it.
My parents, Ryan & Tayler, and Britt and her family all came into town Friday night. We stayed with them at a hotel to take advantage of every minute we could get with them.

Sunday morning grandma does what she loves best, gave Wes his bath and got him all ready for his special day. We were very protective of his little tux, we made sure his pants and top didn't go on until it had to...and right before we put it on he leaked through his clothes(good timing). 
Preston on the left - Wes on the right (for the most part the tux's are the same, just a little different to give them each there own look)
When I was in high school my mom helped my sister and me make little tux's for our boys that we would have some day and...we both had boys first(imagine that). Well the week before Wes's blessing I decided that I wanted Wes to have his own tux so each boy could keep theirs to pass down. I knew I wouldn't be able to get one done, so my incredibly sweet mother said she would make one for Wes, so she whipped one up the next day(now my mom designed the pattern herself and has made one for all of my brothers so, needless to say the tux turned out AWESOME, doesn't even compare to the one I made Preston(haha). Wes looked adorable! 
My favorite part are the tails, there's something about a mini tux that is adorable...and very classy!

Our first family of four picture, and I love that I am totally outnumbered by my sweet boys! 

It was such a special day for our sweet little Wes, and we were so happy that we were able to spend it with lots of our family.