Well...I've officially popped, looking more and more pregnant everyday! So I did a little self portrait maternity photo shoot in the mirror.

How far along? 24 weeks (2days shy)
Total weight gain: 15lb- 20lb I think
Maternity clothes? No just loose fitting normal clothes for the most part
Stretch marks? None
Sleep: Normal
Best moment this week: Skyler seeing the baby move in my belly....he still hasn't felt the baby kick yet, but he did see him kick!!
Have you told family and friends: Yep everyone knows now...well at least all the important people.
Miss Anything? Nope
Food cravings: None
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Movement: Yes!! I can definitely tell there's a little guy in there
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Out...(I don't even like admitting that to myself)
Wedding ring on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Warm spring weather....getting outside and doing lots of walking
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