Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Much Anticipated Arrival!

Our sweet little babe is here! 12:21 pm, 8 lbs 1 once, 20.75 in.  He has no name yet, but we will keep everyone updated.

Skyler was so sweet through this whole delivery and as much as he dislikes my camera he did a great job getting lots of adorable pictures of our little guy for me. I didn't want to miss out on anything but since I was strapped to a table in the O.R. through all of this I didn't really have a choice.

Skyler took a look at this picture and thought he must have heard the weight wrong, so he sent out a text to the family saying our little guy weighed 8lb 9oz, then when he realized it really read 8lb 0.9 oz he hurried and sent out a correction text. Thankfully he was really only 8lb 1oz...that's plenty big for me.

Skyler said he grabbed a big chunk of his hair and pulled until it made him cry.

After our little guy was taken over to get all checked up, they let Skyler cut the cord...(for the second time)haha It had already been cut to get him out of me, but they still let him have a cut at it.

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